More on Love and Marriage

30 12 2017

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A lot of times I wonder whether there was such a thing as the perfect love or perfect marriage. We hear about a boy and a a girl, falls hopelessly in love, adores one another like crazy, ends up in a perfect marriage, having such adorable kids, living in wonderful house, having beautiful life, the father understands the wife perfectly, the wife listens to the husband all the time, little fights end up with romantic kisses in bed. Never getting tired of one another, ready to always give selfless love and all loving words and actions.

Does that really happen in real life or we only see it in movies? I don’t know. When I see the people around me, something I think those things can be real. But then again, you only get to see what they let you see.

In the end, I believe that a good marriage is about how far you are willing to give what you have, what you want, what you dream, to be a better and more mature adult. It is about how much of your own happiness you are willing to sacrifice to see the other members of your family happy. Yes, you get upset. Sure, you get angry. Often times you get disappointed. But then you forgive, you forget, and move on. You do that, for their happiness.

Because when you see them happy, that is your true happiness. And when you can do that, then I’d say you have the perfect marriage. As perfect as it can be.



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