Asisten Rumah Tangga

27 09 2011

Hahaha… Jadi pengen nulis tentang ART alias Asisten Rumah Tangga. I thought I am done and over with this issue. I thought I had it solved already. Tapi ternyata oh ternyata….

Cerita tahun lalu berulang lagi tahun ini. Last year it took me 3 months to finally get myself a domestic assistant. So, given that I have just spent 1 month looking this year, it means I still have 2 more months to go. Huh… I am so looking forward to that.

Well, mudah-mudahan tidak selama itu. Karena saya sudah establish contact dengan beberapa penyalur, beberapa yayasan, dari mulut ke mulut lewat teman, tetangga, saudara…. Just about everyone. So, keeping my fingers crossed (dan juga doa setiap hari), hopefully my assistant will come along one of these days. Doain yaaaa…..

happy new year everyday

2 01 2010

the last day of last year has passed.

the first day of the new year is also over.

but we should not lose the excitement, the spirit, the anxiety, promises made. we have to keep following the new ways we’ve found, the new directions we’ve taken, the new decisions we’ve made.

we should be thankful for the old, for taking us all the way to the new. so for the next 365 days, it is our job and duty to make sure that each one of those days will safely and successfully take us to another new year.

happy new year 2010 – yesterday, today and tomorrow.

yang kumau

13 06 2009

hidup2begitu pentingnya kah nafas?

aku hanya perlu hidup

untuk apa dipertanyakan nafas

aku hanya perlu cinta

harus ada kah nafas?

aku hanya butuh tenang

denyut nadi, detak jantung

tak kuperlukan karena aku hanya perlu kamu

hanya kamu, tanpa beban apapun

hanya kamu, dengan rasa, dengan cinta…

my time machine

6 05 2009

time machine2my friend brought up an interesting topic.  time machine.  she mentioned that she would want to have a time machine.

IF we could each get a time machine, what what we do with it?

if i had a time machine, i would certainly use it.  but the question is, where would i use it to go to?  my answers could differ from one day to another.  i might have more than one answer, depending on when the question is asked.

but right now, if you ask me where i would go with my time machine, i would definitely say, to a bluish greenish yellow place, with just enough sun and breeze, me sitting on a comfy branch of a tree, with my macbook on my lap, flowing inspirations on mind delivers flowing words on the screen, my sons and daughters running around playing with the ruffles of water, jumping on the rocks, smiles and laughters fill the air, and my husband fixing a nice cold mango juice for us all.

but that would be my answer right now.  ask me again tomorrow.