
18 03 2009

imagesi’ve been having a hard time to focus on things these past couple of days.  apa pasal?  it has to do with ‘people management’ at my home.  some of you might have already guessed.  and got it right.  yup.  you’re right.  that’s what i am talking about.

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addicted to drugs

14 03 2009

img00099-20090314-1524i am, by definition addicted to neuralgin.

today the usual headache decided to pay me a visit again.  i don’t know whether it was the heat, the rush, or my body that has been a bit on the weak side lately.  but it was awful.  i was taking the boys to play at timezone and during all those time i had to endure the most painful feeling in the world.  my head felt heavy and the whole world seemed to shake everytime i moved any part of my body.  including everytime i took a breath.  and the worst part of all, i didn’t have the time to buy the one and only painkiller that works for me.

so when i got home, the first thing i did was find myself some neuralgin.  down one tablet and sat down.  about 10 minutes later i felt fine again.  just as predicted.  gone is the pain in my head.  and it was because of neuralgin.

i am, officially addicted to neuralgin.

the art of communication

13 03 2009

communication_cartoonnobody will ever disagree with me if i say that things get messy because of bad communication.  or perhaps even no communication at all.

a friend of mine overheard someone at the office today saying: “well. i think the most important thing iscommunication between us.  that way we should be able to solve any problems that might arise.”

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shocking news

13 03 2009

lightningtoday i was shocked. a friend said, “you like being abused.  you are even attracted to it.”

i really did not understand at first.  but this friend sounded very serious.  this has to be wrong.  there has got to be something wrong with me.  this friend is a friend whose opinion i trust and give high regards to.  

i imagine that someone who deliberately chooses an abusive environment to live in must be someone who has something wrong going in the brain.  someone stupid.  i never thought of myself as someone stupid.  but someone just came to that very conclusion.  someone i trust.

is there really something wrong with me?


talk about customer satisfaction

12 03 2009

a note on customer satisfaction.

shake-handsbig, well-known brand is a sure ticket to success, right?  wrong.  surely everyone, to win the market, aim for having a well-known brand that sticks on people’s minds.  but once that goal is reached, does it stop there?  no, it does not.  let me elaborate a but more on this one.

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