
26 01 2009

… i thought i was searching

as the eyes opened to the sun’s greetings

the sight was searching for light

as the lungs welcomed their first wind

the breaths were searching for air

as the day turned into night

the seconds were searching for time

… i thought i was searching

when the sun shouted – i am the light!

when the wind blew – here’s your air!

and the night said – you have the time…

and then i searched no more.



siapa yang sekolah… siapa yang repot…

26 01 2009

Tibalah pengalaman pertama saya memiliki anak usia Sekolah Dasar.  Si abang, anak pertama saya sudah harus masuk SD.  Repot memang.  Mulai dari urusan mencari-cari calon sekolah, mendaftar sampai menemani dia mengikuti tes masuk sekolah.  Berbagai macam sekolah saya datangi demi mendapatkan yang terbaik untuk si abang…. dan juga tentunya buat dompet saya… hahaha….

read on

the secret

26 01 2009

the secret is…

don’t stop.

the sun never stops coming

the moon never stops shining

the flowers never stop blooming

the grass never stop growing

the world never stops turning

and us….

never stop aging.

there, right there lies the secret

and the secret is…

to never stop.